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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

West Texas and the Fourth of Ju-ly

Hello CC2C Friends!

We've made it out to Post, TX and will be officially skating across the New Mexico border and into a new time zone tonight. Some of the leftover rain from hurricane Alex finally caught up with us over the last few days resulting in some soggy skaters and shoes but our new night skating system has kept us doing 90 mile nights. We got a sneak peek at our route for the next few days as we went into Roswell to celebrate the 4th of July and of course, the alien festival. Many moons ago in the 1950's around the fourth of July a mysterious object may or may not have fallen from the sky and landed outside of Roswell. To commemorate this occasion there are parades, costumes, laser shows and fireworks throughout the town which is about as close as you can get to being in the movie Independence Day. We all had a great time and got an idea of some of the terrain we'll be heading through. The landscape has officially changed now and we're going through scrubby trees and grasslands with lots of cows. We now like to keep a look out for snakes, tarantulas and wild boars while on the road, but are excited about getting out west.

-The CC2C Crew

1 comment:

  1. Fun reading! Best of luck with the second half of the adventure. Stay safe.

